One of the ships companys problem within Oceania is the brotherhood, a secret make-up that does twainthing in its power to make Big comrade and his tyrannous ways of ruling disappear. Or is it the political party that created a sour makeup to attract all the thought criminals? For Winston and Julia the Brotherhood is compassionate beings and they necessity to be a part of the organization that fights for their rights. In order to achieve this, Winston and Julia managed to get in contact with someone they believe is working for the brotherhood. To be accepted they had to be questioned by OBrien to debate if they were good evictdidates for the brotherhood, just now what Winston and Julia did not cheat was that organization was created by Ingsoc. In this passage we watch both Winston and Julias apprehension and joy to soon be part of the brotherhood, we overhear that Ingsoc uses every possible technique to get their hands on criminals. OBrien asks Wins ton and Julia if they ar ready to do whatever the brotherhood asks them to do. bill by step the questions become to a greater finish and more precise but both of them are unbidden to accept the consequences of their future acts especially Winston who almost seems to be impulsive to separate and never see Julia again.

From the start of the passage, Winston is shown as the scarce one OBrien could speak with and manifestly forgets intimately Julia. This appears to show that the party is mainly after Winston and dont manage as much about catching Julia as a thought criminal. At this signa lise the reader is drawn into the record an! d awaits the conclusion of this important meeting. mayhap the reader is even more exited than Winston and Julia because he has followed their every steps from the beginning and want to see Winston and Julia become heroes by destroying the party and maybe discovering who Big Brother actually is. For Winston this seems probably unattainable but the reader knows that anything can happen in a book so he gets captivated and is waiting for...If you want to get a across-the-board essay, order it on our website:
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